Sunday, May 9, 2010

Life is so much better after you whine to your mom about it.

Seriously. Has anyone else noticed that? You can be having the shitiest day in the history of ever, and as soon as you tell your mom about it, it's suddenly not so bad.

Just now, I was going into fussy infant mode because of my lack of ability to eat. This whole wisdom teeth thing sucks. I can't eat, so I can't sleep 'cause I'm clenching my teeth 'cause I'm hungry, which makes my jaw even more tense than it already is. I'm tired and weak because I can't eat, even more so because I'm having trouble sleeping because I can't eat. I have a headache because I've been clenching my teeth for four days straight. My pain meds make me nauseous which makes me want to eat even less. And my ear hurts for god knows what reason. I'm just generally feeling shitty.

I whined about all of this to my mom (with a, "And I just want a burrito!" thrown in for good measure) and suddenly, it's not so bad. I'm curled up on the couch now with a comfy blanket and pillows and everything's better. Nothing has changed. I still feel shitty. But for whatever reason, a hug from my mommy made life a little less sucky. This is because mothers are magic. That's the only explanation for it.

So, here's to you, moms. You and your magical ability to make everything suck less totally rock. Happy mother's day.

Me? What did I do for my mom for mother's day? I ate. I figured that would make her happy. It did. Don't worry. I'll do something for her I don't every day in honors of mother's day. I'm not that much of a dick.

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